For the Pay Advance product, we can only offer this service to specific savings accounts which we verify to be debitable by a merchant, if your salary goes into a savings account and not a transaction account. This is due to limitations placed by banks on savings accounts that restrict our ability to debit from these accounts for automated repayments.
We currently service the following savings accounts:
ANZ Online Saver
Bank of Melbourne, Incentive Saver
BankSA Incentive Saver
Bendigo Achiever Account
Bendigo EasySaver Account
Bendigo Achiever Account
CBA, Commonwealth Direct Investment Account (CDIA)
NAB Smart Reward Saver
P&N Bank, Student Savings Account
P&N Bank, & Retirement Account
Suncorp Everyday Options (E-Options)
Suncorp Everyday Options Sub
If your savings account is currently not eligible, and you would like to access a Pay Advance with Beforepay, you could consider updating your details by doing the following:
Update your bank details with your employer to a transactional account.
Email and ask our team to remove your existing bank account.
Log in to the Beforepay app and connect your transactional account details.
(Note: To access the Beforepay Pay Advance product we will need to be able to detect 2 pay cycles in your transaction history.)
If you have any questions about connecting your bank please contact our Customer Support team at